Tuesday, 22 July 2014



 Money is needed in this world. It helps us trade and reward what we find value to ourselves. We work for money, but what does it really give us.

A lot of people say money is evil, and that they don't need a lot of money. But are they conscious when they say that, or do they deep down really desire money.

If you repeal against money, and hate the people that have it. You are creating in your life a detachment of money. 

We are taught in movies that the rich people are the evil villains. That the rich people are evil people. If you look at the movie superman for example. Lex luther is the villian and he has all the money, but superman is a farm boy that lives in the country.



Do You Have Money?

 This is programed in are minds at a young age to think this way. But in reality it's nothing like that.  

To really get what money means you have to surround yourself with people that are already successful. Click here.

Be around a successful person for one day and you'll see that they aren't all that mean. People think you have to cheat and steal your way to the top and that's not true either.

There's an abundance of money in this world. Yes there are some not very nice rich people, but that's with everyone in this world.

Now that you know that rich people are just like you, would you mind having a little more of it? Maybe you said no because your beliefs are preventing you from accepting money.

This is happens sometimes, but you got to understand beliefs form are world. No two people have the same beliefs. I could see a chair and you can see the same chair in a different way.

If you desire to become successful in life you can. You just have to choose to take the first step. I can't force you to do anything. But I can tell you this, " There's another way, and you could make money, and become successful in life".

The rich and successful people have a natural success mindset when it comes to making money. They understand something.

Lets take Donald Trump for example. He makes about a billion dollars, not a million, a billion. If Donald trump would lose his money ( Which he did ). He would know how to make it all back. You know why?


Money Is Energy

Money is energy. Once you can make that money, you know it's possible. Your able to at will command it to be in your life. You are able to take the right actions towards your success. This is a natural success mentality.

Surrounding yourself with successful people, will unleash this natural success mentality you posses. You think they were born with the skills they acquired to attain their wealth? We are all human beings and if one can, you can. Click here.

Surround yourself with the right kind of people, instead hanging around negative people blaming and judging. Instead grow and achieve greatness. You can unleash you inner awesomeness.

Money Is Everywhere Around Us Just Open Your Eyes And See

I've seen a homeless man, that was living in a van. Go online and just take internet from houses outside and now owns a company, and makes about 20,000,000 a year. All online. Online is the future and puts value where it is needed.

Instead of getting payed by time. You get payed based on value. If a homeless man can do it, you can do it. Find the system and how he does it. Surround yourself with successful people. Click here.

I'll see you on other side,

Jonathan Bejba

Having success in life doesn't have to be difficult. We were taught we had to work for time but never worked based on value. That's how money should really be handed out, get connected with the right way and start making good money.

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