Monday, 28 July 2014

Have A Dream And Go After It

Have A Dream And Go After It

Do you know what the big thing is all about? Do you know where to find the great mystery? Where is the great voyage towards my true destiny?

have you ever wondered what it would be like to be successful in life. See success means a different thing to a lot of people. ( Have A Dream And Go After It )

Some people think success is having a family and being an amazing mother. Some people desire to work at a gas station. Success comes in all shapes and forms.

Have A Dream And Go After It

I'm talking to those like me, who desire to have enough money so that they are finically free and can go after their dreams, their goals. Having the ability to never have to work for someone again and make money on auto pilot. That sounds just right.

Being able to dream of a world where we can live in peace with are natural state of being a live and experiencing the true world, the real world. Being able to explore and dream, and not to be afraid to dream big.

Schools teach us all to do the same thing in life, and that's the way we think it is. We don't ask the question, "Is this really the right way?" ( Have A Dream And Go After It )

People do what everyone tells them to do. It reminds me of ants and how everyone has a job and you can't drifted off the course or else that's wrong.

Have A Dream And Go After It

See we as humans are given the dignity of choice. That scares most people, because they don't know what to do. So they fallow what is told to them. They let go of their natural curiosity they had when they were a kid. Asking why and driving their parents nuts.

We need, no we must go back to that state of mind where we were free to dream big and know it was going to happen without worry or doubt. We learned how to walk some how.

It's time to go back and realize we're amazing human beings and it's time to dream big and shot for the stars. If we hit the moon damn that's still pretty good.

Have A Dream And Go After It

It's time to say enough is enough I'm not going to live like this anymore. Take the bull by it's horns and go after your goals. You are an amazing human being and it's time to et yourself shine. To get involved with something that will forever change your life. ( Have A Dream And Go After It )

You said enough is enough I've had it. I'm tired of being sick and tired. I know there's a better way and I'm going to take action towards my true purpose in life.

Get with something that will forever change your life, and open your eyes to a new and amazing world. Click here, and get transformed into your better self. Have a great journey and I'll see you at the top.

Jonathan Bejba,
Have A Dream And Go After It

Have A Dream And Go After It !
"Have A Dream And Go After It" !!

Where do I start?…….Have A Dream And Go After It  !!!!!!!

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